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Conflicting Objectives Thumbnail

Conflicting objectives won’t impact stakeholders’ needs if you follow three straightforward steps

With the mass influx of grant funding, it is unsurprising that you are faced with conflicting objectives that impact on your ability to prioritise activities and projects efficiently to meet stakeholder needs. The sheer speed at which you are being asked to respond to change leaves little room for strategic and carefully planned activities and can often create barriers in communication, until you get a grip on what needs to be done, and how.

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Building Relationships With Residents Blog

Building a Healthy Relationship with Residents

Local government has what many businesses envy: a ready-made customer base and no competition. If you want to change your local government supplier, you have to move. Knowing this, historically, our relationship with residents has been formal, distanced and passive.

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We Love Working In LG Blog 4

Why do we love working with Local Government?

At Trueman Change, we’re all about guiding and supporting your organisation to deliver effective and sustainable change. We specialise in working with public and third sector clients, and as a team of change specialists, we’re absolutely dedicated to creating change in public services!

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Is Change Management A Science Or Art Blog

Is change management an art or a science?

In the varied and diverse field of change management, change practitioners have a wide range of skills and responsibilities that drive organisations towards successful, sustainable change. From recent attendance at an event about Scientific Mindset in Organisational Change I was inspired by Alex Boulting to reflect on where our varied discipline sits on the dichotomy between art and science.

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What Is The Point Of Being Human

What's the point of being human?

First published on the 24th of February in The MJ. Purpose and humanity - the meaning of life? The reason you get out of bed in the morning? Or don’t? Local authorities can’t (and often don’t) resist the urge to put people at the heart of their strap lines – but are they really at the heart of our post-pandemic plans? We’ve researched local government change over the last 18-months and we’ve found six key ingredients needed to drive successful transformation.

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Five top tips for taking action

Five top tips on taking action that we learnt from managing change during COVID

Pre-COVID, it was quite difficult to get traction and make things happen. COVID brought us together and change happened fast. Our White Paper on Managing Change During the COVID-19 crisis identified those pre-existing relationships with partnership bodies that were able to quickly marshal and share resources. In the absence of bureaucracy, plans, paperwork and service level agreements, people came together and worked to achieve shared aims and goals.

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What is one mistake that change leaders make?

What is the one mistake that change leaders often make?

Lucy Trueman, MD, recounts a time in the beginning of her career when she helped a team to automate part of their invoicing process. She designed a digital tool for them that cut their processing time in half. After weeks of using the tool, Lucy visited the office and noticed lots of paper invoices laying around and saw that the company had adopted her new system while carrying on with their old, inefficient one.

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Five tips for empowering neurodiversity for meaningful inclusion

Five Important Tips for Empowering Neurodiversity for Meaningful Inclusion

There are five important tips that leaders would benefit from knowing and implementing to ensure not only that inclusion exists in the workplace but that it is also meaningful to the employee and impacts positively on organisational change.

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Does viewing transformation and continuous improvement as separate entities affect consistency in the change process?

Does viewing transformation and continuous improvement as separate entities affect consistency in the change process?

Change management is an overarching but varied discipline, with many intricacies and complexities, as all of us in the field know all too well. Often, when we think about change management, we tend to think that it’s a split discipline with separate ‘strands’; change in terms of transformative work and then change in terms of ongoing improvement. True, wouldn’t you say?

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We Know What Good Change Looks Like

We know what good change looks like, so how do we keep it going?

We have learned from how the public sector dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic that change can happen positively, and people can truly enjoy the process, with successful outcomes for whole communities. How do we keep this up?

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Understanding The Digital Divide

Understanding the Digital Divide

Last week, at the Cooperative Councils’ Innovation Network annual conference, CCIN published a report on their policy lab approach to the digital divide. Questions we'll be answering: - What is digital exclusion? - What do we know about digital exclusion? - What can we do to help? -How can we learn more?

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Accelerating Change Intro Blog To Trueman Change Way

Accelerating Change in the Public Sector Through a Crisis

This year, Trueman Change launched their new change methodology, derived from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic - The Trueman Change Way. This is a people-first approach, created from the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic and implemented into change accelerator programmes to ensure transformation can continue to happen faster and more compassionately for cost-effective, sustainable outcomes.

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Latest White Paper

Our Managing Director, Lucy Trueman, introduces our latest white paper, 'Lessons From Lockdown: Managing Change During the COVID-19 Crisis'

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