People Change with Tech and Systems


Have you ever wondered whether you may be overlooking the human element in technology-driven transformations? In this thought-provoking video, organisational psychologist Lucy Trueman, founder of Trueman Change, shares a compelling anecdote that reminds us of the importance of considering change alongside technology implementation.

In this video, which includes her recollection of a pivotal experience from her early career, Lucy emphasises the essential role of involving people in the change process to maximise benefits and avoid inadvertently increasing workload.

Watch now to uncover the transformative power of merging technology with thoughtful change strategies, as illustrated by Lucy Trueman's engaging storytelling.

Are you going through changes in your systems and/or technology? If you want to know more about how to make it a success by placing people at the forefront, contact Lucy for a chat.




24th May 2024

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