Change Chat - Getting It Done (Despite a lack of resource)

Didn't make it to our 'Getting It Done!' Change Chat? No worries, catch up with the recording here.

Lucy Trueman, Managing Director and Founder of Trueman Change, and Senior Project Manager, Michael Grime, hosted an online session discussing one of the biggest, most common challenges in the world of change...getting change done - even when faced with a lack of resource.

If you're unsure how to:
- Manage all your change activity;
- Deliver everything to budget;
- Meet tight project deadlines;

...this Change Chat is for you.

And we're not just talking outsourcing as a solution (we know not every budget stretches to that). So, we'll also be looking at how to repurpose and maximise your existing internal resources.

Watch to learn:
- How to resource change well
- The benefits and draw backs of centralised models such as PMOs
- How to build a culture where people are empowered to take action
- What skills and capability are needed for change and where to find them
- How to access additional, flexible resource when needed

It's perfect for anyone looking to turn change theory into practice. Let us help you shape up what your specific resourcing needs are.

And if you want to talk more about your specific change and resourcing challenges, we're always here. Why not schedule a chat with Lucy?

By Trueman Change | 11th June 2024

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